Enhancing System Resilience with Azure Chaos Studio at Semanticly

Introduction to Azure Chaos Studio

At Semanticly, we understand the importance of robust and resilient cloud-based applications. That’s why we are using Azure Chaos Studio, a cutting-edge tool designed to simulate real-world disruptions, helping us strengthen the cloud infrastructures of our customers.

Core Features of Azure Chaos Studio

  • Fault Injection: Azure Chaos Studio’s ability to inject faults like network latency or server failures into applications and infrastructure is pivotal in our approach to ensuring system robustness for our clients.
  • Controlled Experiments: We utilize Chaos Studio’s controlled environment for conducting chaos experiments without impacting service availability or user experience.
  • Observability and Analysis: Our integration with Azure Monitor and other tools using Chaos Studio enables us to track the impact of chaos experiments in real-time, a critical aspect in maintaining system health and performance.

Semantic Importance

Embracing ‘anticipatory resilience’ is key in our methodology at Semanticly. By proactively testing potential system failures with Azure Chaos Studio, we ensure that our client’s applications can withstand real-world challenges, minimizing downtime and maximizing performance.

Practical Implementation

We employ Azure Chaos Studio to initiate chaos experiments, like introducing network latency, to test and enhance the resilience of our clients’ systems. Here’s a simplified code example illustrating how we implement such tests:

from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
from azure.mgmt.chaos import ChaosClient

# Authenticate and create a client
credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
client = ChaosClient(credential)

# Define the parameters for the chaos experiment
experiment = {
    "target_resource_id": "<your-target-resource-id>",
    "fault": {
        "type": "NetworkLatency",
        "parameters": {
            "duration": "10m",
            "latency": "30ms"

# Start the chaos experiment
client.experiments.begin_create_or_update("<your-resource-group>", "<your-experiment-name>", experiment)

Azure Chaos Studio – now generally available as of Ignite 2023 Conference updates, provides a fully managed experimentation platform for discovering challenging issues through experiment templates, dynamic targets and a more guided user interface.

Here are some AI treat on Chaos in Infrastructure, Monitoring etc

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